Min Gröna Blogg med hjärta och glädje - Vihreä Blogini sydämellä ja ilolla


Vi kan ändra vårt sätt att tänka. Genom positivt tänkande och rätta val kan vi hjälpa oss själva, varandra och Moder Jord. Vi behöver lära oss använda hjärtat istället för hjärnan. Vi är kärleksfulla varelser och kärleken har en enorm kraft. Det som bottnar i kärlek kan inte bli fel. Vi kan ändra den negativa utvecklingen på vår planet och tillsammans uppnå förändring till det bättre. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Välkommen till bloggen som skrivs med hjärta och glädje - Tervetuloa blogiin jossa sydän ja ilo hallitsee - Welcome to my blog : )

onsdag 15 juni 2011

mera...New Earth Energies June 2011

I och med att energierna just nu är väldigt speciella vill jag dela med mig av all information jag kommer över. Jag har tyvärr inte tid att översätta allt till svenska så jag publicerar inläggen på originalspråket engelska. Via Google Translate får man tyvärr inte någon bra översättning i detta ämne.

The New Earth Energies June 2011
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL through Celia Fenn

'In this month of June you are entering into a Major Time Code Shift that will release and remove the Old Time Codes and replace them with the New Reality Time Codes and then bring these into balance in a recalibration of the Planetary Heart to the Cosmic Frequencies of Light. This will take place before and during the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 15th of June and leading up to and after the Solstice on the 21st of June.

The Old Time Codes of the Third Dimension encoded the energies of Separation and Individual ego selfhood. It was a Finite Reality based in Linear Time and deeply disconnected from that which you call Nature. It encoded deeply held inner energies of guilt, wounding, suffering and a need for redemption. This desire for redemption led to the rise of myths of Saviors and Messiahs, taking away your own sovreign power to create and manifest.

The New Time Codes will encode the energies of Unity and Connection on all Levels. They will encode the spiral and cyclical power of the unfolding of Space/Time, as on the Higher Dimensions, and will allow for the Reconnection with Nature and with the Planet as a Being of Light. They will empower Individual Sovreign beings to connect in Communities of Light to assist in the Re-creation of the Earth as a Multi-Dimensional Home for the New Human Angelic Being of Light that you are Becoming.

Beloved Family of Light, after the Total Lunar Eclipse there will be some very powerful moments of realignment and recalibration at the Solstice on the 21st of June. Those who have allowed the recalibration of their Light Being to the New Time Codes will find themselves moving into the Frequency of Love and Peace. But, the opposite will be true of those who are still clinging to the Third Dimensional Reality, for their version of Time/Space will no longer be supported by the Deep Codes, and the crumbling of illusions will accelerate and become evert more clear and obvious. Indeed, there may be anxiety and panic among those who cannot as yet feel the vibration of the new as it aligns with the Future Earth manifesting in the Now.
Indeed, we say to you that Love and Peace are a Frequency of Light. They are not emotions or even feelings as such, they are alignment with the Codes of Light that carry the information of Divine Creative Will. Those who enter into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness learn how to allow themselves to surrender to the Flow of Divine Light and Divine Will, and to enter into the Frequency of Love and Peace.

Beloved ones, to be in the Frequency of Love you do not have to prove yourself or work on youtself or be something that you are not as yet, you are Love and you express that Truth when you simply align with the Frequency of Divine Will and Cosmic Light. There is nothing to learn or achieve ....you simply allow the Light to flow through you as you become the "Eye of God". Divine Intelligence experiences itself as Love through You! It is simple when you allow this Flow and this alignment!
Beloved Ones, to be in the Frequency of Peace is not just to end war and aggression. It is to shift into the vibration of Divine Peace that flows from the Heart of the Divine. When you allow that vibration to flow through you....you become the Peace of God at all times. In this New Earth, you will align with Peace and you will become Peace.

The New Time Codes will support this process of shifting into this Flow and Frequency of Light.'

Källan och kanaliseringen i sin helhet hos Celia Fenn.

Foton: http://weheartit.com

2 kommentarer:

Maria sa...

Tack för att du la upp den Pia! Jag känner verkligen de nya energierna, har märkt en stor förändring bara de senaste veckorna/dagarna. Kärlek till dig! Maria

Pia - My Green Blog sa...

Ja, jag tror att energierna är påtagliga överallt. Många av oss är omedvetna om varför saker och ting händer och sker. Jag vill alltid veta orsaken till allt och därför följer jag med på ett djupare plan. Vill gärna dela med mig så gott det går.
Ha det bäst, kära Maria!
I ljus och kärlek.

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